Cloudcoap - Because It Works

Efficiency & Reliability

Even in our days some are still not that happy with their cellular connectivity solution. It is too common to be not that low power as assumed by reading the datasheets. Causing to send only once a day rather than once a hour. The reliability is also frequently behind the believes. Especially on weak radio signals it stops working. In spite of all the promises in the prospects.

As frequently written and agreed by me, there is hardly “one solution” for all the different applications needs. For monitoring and metering application you may have a look at using a protocol, optimized for constrained devices, but still powerful enough, to be used by common cloud applications without a larger gap.


cloudcoap sensors cloudcoap signals

It’s CoAP for the application logic and DTLS 1.2 CID for power efficient encryption.

That uses UDP instead of TCP, which adds flexibility and opens so the door to benefit from the technical progress in cellular communication.

Three years ago I started with the very first end-to-end open source demonstration, using a Thingy:91 (“ouf-of-the-box” cellular modem, Nordic Semiconductor) and Californium (open source, java library, Eclipse foundation). The first messages have been exchanged pretty fast, after two or three days development. All the rest of the time since then has been spent in improving that.

The two charts above shows the result of that work. The data was reported by a Thingy:91, last charged December 2023. Now, November 2024 it has almost 50% energy left. That is better as usual, at that location outside the radio signals are very good. Though it uses UDP, so some may ask, what about message loss? In the past 270 days since that last restart the device sent about 6700 messages. About 30 messages need to be retransmitted, and 4 times the device gives up to retransmit a message.

Let me skip the part, which explains technically, why and how that works together with modern cellular technologies to achieve the goals of reliability and low power consumption. Lets just go forward to how you can make your own experience.

What you will get by that demonstration:



Web Application

In general, keep in mind, this is an open source offer, which targets to demonstrate the usage of CoAP with DTLS 1.2 CID and cellular clients. It’s not a commercial product covering multiple different devices, masses of device, nor a rich functional backend.

To Start With

If you are interesting to gain the experience with it, you will need:

If you don’t want to start with an own cloud virtual machine, you may send me a PM. I will see, if it’s possible to add one or some of your Thingies to a shared cloud instance.

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